Portfolio Items AlbumsAlbums Martial ArtsMartial Arts Music teachingTeaching Language and TravelLanguage and Travel ContactSection 2 Blog Posts CMJ finishing latest album ‘Zeropoint’Last year I wrote about why booking too…by chrisjones Martial ArtsLast year I wrote about why booking too…by chrisjones Music teachingLast year I wrote a thesis on the…by chrisjones CMJ making a video of the song ‘European Girl’.by chrisjones Budo Taijutsuby chrisjones Teachingby chrisjones Shop Products Zeropoint (digital album)10,00€Add to cart New album releaseRead more Images Video/Media Full-Width Example AlbumsAlbums Martial ArtsMartial Arts Music teachingTeaching Language and TravelLanguage and Travel ContactSection 2